RPM offers clients a range of services fit to their needs.
To learn more about our organizational capacities click on each section below. To read about example projects, visit our Projects page.
+ Strategic Energy Management
We use a two-step approach that focuses on optimizing current operations and usage first, then integrates appropriate alternative and/or renewable strategies. We also meet with clients’ key decision makers to discuss the company vision, sustainability objectives, concerns, resources, time line, and starting point. Through that collaborative process, we create a Sustainability Plan that provides step-by-step instructions on how to achieve desired results, how to engage the right people at the right time, and how to ensure immediate and continued success.
Why it’s important: Implementing sustainable practices has repeatedly been tied to improved company performance. Done correctly, it can also be a meaningful market differentiator.
+ Building Organizational Capacity
To achieve long-term success, concepts and tools for improved performance need to be integrated with existing processes and procedures. Common areas to target include purchasing and contracted services, budgeting and financial planning, employee training, and communications and reporting.
Why it’s important: Sustainable practices are most effective when they are woven into the fabric of how an organization functions. Initiatives run tangentially to core business practices or by one individual often don’t last.
+ Project Design and Implementation
RPM provides complete project design and implementation services for a variety of end-use technologies. We consider the organization, facility, system and future expectations in developing these customized project designs. Up-front planning can reduce first cost as well as on-going operating costs. Once the project scope is defined, RPM works with your contractors or with contractors from our network to bring projects to fruition.
Why it’s important: Thinking holistically ensures that optimal project design is delivered every time. Too often, projects are designed to suit a vendor’s capabilities or fall back on like-for-like replacements.
+ Benchmarking and Tracking
Developing a baseline of energy and water consumption against which to measure progress is a critical component of a successful initiative. Equally important is creating a process for on-going data analysis and sharing interpreted results up and down the management chain. We have experience working with large, complex data sets. We can help clients develop meaningful metrics as well as implement organizational practices to maintain, monitor, and report on this information.
Why it’s important: The adage, “If you can't measure it, you can't improve it." is particularly true in energy projects where commissioning plays large a part in delivering promised savings, and monitoring and education play a large part in maintaining those savings over time.
+ BERDO Reporting
Boston’s Climate Action Plan is aimed to reduce emissions and by doing so, save Bostonians money. As part of the effort, the city has developed a Building Energy Reporting and Disclosure Ordinance (BERDO), which requires large- and medium-sized buildings to report their energy and water use to the City every year. Furthermore, buildings must decrease their energy usage or greenhouse gas emissions by 15% or perform an energy assessment every five years. As part of our service, RPM can perform the required energy assessments and/or certifications that 15% savings have been achieved.
Why it’s important: To show that your building is compliant, you must complete submit a report, which must be qualified by an energy professional, to the City of Boston.
Learn more and find out if your building has to comply with BERDO.
+ Education and Training
Sustainability initiatives achieve significantly better results when everyone understands how to contribute to the effort. We can provide your staff with the knowledge and tools they need to positively contribute to your sustainability efforts. Our most popular programs educate maintenance staff and property managers about systems operations and controls.
Why it’s important: In addition to reducing energy costs, educating staff about systems operations can significantly reduce maintenance costs and improve occupant comfort.
+ Emerging Technologies
The world of energy use is changing rapidly. Remaining current with new technologies is essential. Resilience planning – relocating equipment, battery storage, microgrids, etc. – may also be important considerations during project development. We discuss all options including climate projections and relevant solutions with our clients. Because we are brand neutral and not tied to any particular product or service, we are free to choose the best, most cost-effective solution for every situation.
Why it’s important: Decisions about impactful projects are often put off as Managers don’t have time and/or are uncertain when weighing the options. Having resources you can trust can be an essential ingredient to moving forward with confidence.
+ Securing Incentives and Other Funding
We monitor utility incentive programs, state grants and financial instruments that support project development. Our proven project planning processes sync with client budgeting cycles to help ensure these resources will be available when needed.
Why it’s important: Leveraging utility incentive programs, tax incentives, and other financial tools help stretch every dollar our clients spend on energy projects.
+ Business & Planning Services
Sustainability can improve profitability and, in some cases, lead to new sources of growth. We utilize various strategies to help unlock this potential such as mining data for insights, brainstorming alternatives, providing financial analyses and testing potential pathways.
Why it’s important: Sustainability programs typically enjoy high levels of employee engagement and can help support larger corporate objectives. Whether you are trying to overcome inertia, build new programs, or need to catch up with the pace of industry development, sustainability programs can bring people together to support common goals.